Tuesday, 1 March 2016

How to solve Google SMTP Server attempt prevent error ?

Posted by Nikulsinh On Tuesday, March 01, 2016 35 comments
Before some time, I am working on my ASP.NET Project and Send mail to customer Email Address using Google Gmail SMTP Service Provide, but Google say me "Sign-in attempt prevented" and apear bellow message in my Gmail inbox:

Hi Unique
Someone just tried to sign in to your Google Account ........ from an app that does't meet modern security standards....

And after see message, Just i enable "Less secure apps" and SMTP working Fine and problem solve..

Gmail SMTP Configuration
smtp.Host : smtp.gmail.com
smtp.Port  : 587
smtp Username: your Gmail ID
smtp Password : your Gmail Password
More visit: Google Apps SMTP Setting Official

Less Secure Apps Access URL: 

Sunday, 3 January 2016

1. Download "Root Browser"

2. Open "Root Browser" and Go to "root" folder

3. Inside root folder go to "data" folder

4. Inside data folder go to "data" folder [again]

5. Inside data folder go to "com.whatsapp" folder

5. Inside com.whatsapp folder go to "shared_prefs" folder

6. Finaly, You see all the files, search "com.whatsapp_preferences.xml" file and click open

7. Open file in "RB Text Editor"

8. Change value 16 to 500 and Save file and close


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