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Friday 2 August 2013

How to change admin/other account password using cmd?

For changing the administrator password using command prompt you must have access to guest account or any other account account. As simple as that!
Now follow the step by step procedure.
  • Gain access to the guest account.
  • Press windows key + R to open run window
  • Type in CMD to open the dos shell.
  • now type in the command “net user” and you must get a window like this
Now as I have just 1 profile I have no option but change its password that is the Admin. If you have multiple profiles you can change or set password to all of them according to your need.

Now type in “net user username *
username is the account name which you want to change password for.
For instance: Administrator
[ DO NOT forget the * after username]

Now just enter the desired password and confirm it when you press enter key.

Type the following commands depending on your needs :

1. To check the User Accounts: Net User
2. To Add a New User Account Type: Net User Username Password /add
3. To Delete a User Account Type: Net User Username /delete
4. To Change the Password of User Account Type: Net User Username *

With the help of above commands you can change the password of any account ( including administrator account )
THAT’S IT !!!!!

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